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Communicating Today

 The fastest way to get a message to someone in today's society, is through via text or via email. Most people have their email accounts connected to their phones but if all else fails texting is an almost guarantee for immediate communication to someone else. Back in early times getting messages to other people weren’t as quick as today. Things like the telephone and handwritten letters were the ways most people communicated. Overtime it seemed long conversations on the phone became rare and letter writing is almost non existence. Writing a thank you card or birthday card to someone seems to be as close to letter writing in  communication today. 

Those sweet notes inside cards are only a quarter of the handwritten letters that would be passed around in early times. People used to write pages in order to share and communicate with someone else. Today, we seem be as short as to write “Happy B-day,” instead of happy birthday in a birthday card. Our habits from long term short hand writing became evident in our writing. The point is communication styles have changed drastically over the decades making human beings forget how to communicate as a whole.
I have a hard time calling people on the phone sometimes instead I rather text them. Honestly calling someone in my mind means the conversation could be longer than I hoped it would be. How dare I have a conversation over five minutes right? Don’t get me wrong I love talking to people but I honestly have a small fear that an awkward moment will arise in the conversation and I won’t know what to say. Unlike when I am texting, when there is an awkward moment in the conversation, I can simply not reply.  Too many of us are like me and depend on texting to be their way out of awkward moments.

 Standing around waiting for class or waiting for coffee, instead of talking to the girl or guy beside us we tend to feel more comfortable texting. By doing this we are killing our networking skills. Networking gets you more than new friends but in jobs, particular groups or organizations and more.
In order for networking to work we must put down the phones and the “T9” texting. Face to face conversations and oral communication are the real beneficiary ways to communicate. Just like anything else, communication too needs to be practiced. It’s imperative for us to realize that in order to change the way we communicate we must practice communicating. Overtime, it will be easier to try to convey ideas aloud that actually make sense and maybe have conversations with a few less awkward moments.


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